Pr Victor W. Mbarika, fondateur ICT University : un talent exceptionnel – CAMEROON CEO
Si les Camerounais n’existaient pas, aurait-il fallu les créer ? Voilà une question à laquelle il serait judicieux de répondre lorsqu’on épluche le parcours de ce fin intellectuel. Brillant, humble et surtout convivial, il est considéré aujourd’hui comme une véritable icône africaine au regard de ses multiples réalisations dans le domaine des TIC et de la formation. Etre en sa compagnie ou encore bénéficier de la chance de travailler avec lui, permet de constater avec stupéfaction la simplicité empreinte de pragmatisme qui se dégage de sa personne et de sa personnalité. Selon Inspire Magazine, il fait partie des dix Camerounais de la diaspora les plus influents. Et cette influence repose en grande partie sur ses nombreuses performances, notamment plus de 250 publications universitaires dont certaines lui ont valu d’être honoré en Août 2020 à travers le Stallings Distinguished International Scholar and MIS professor.
Bien plus, son parcours académique est un véritable sentier de performance. De son bachelor obtenu à la United States International University – Africa en passant par son Master (University of Illinois at Chicago) et son doctorat en Information Systems (obtenu à la Auburn University), il faut avouer qu’il a toujours brillé par d’excellents résultats. Et ceux-ci l’ont accompagné durant toute sa carrière professionnelle qu’il démarre au Turner College de Columbus State University en qualité d’Assistant Professor of Management and Executive MBA Programs. Il ira ensuite à la Louisiana State University pour y exercer pendant trois ans comme Assistant Professor of Information Systems. De là, il rejoint plus-tard la Southern University and A&M College où en seize années, il occupera plusieurs postes de responsabilités parmi lesquelles celle de Houston Alumnae Endowed Professor of Information Technology. Ce qui l’a amené entre autres à fonder et à organiser des conférences pour les TIC en Afrique.
Consultant en TIC pour AGWECAMS Information Technology Solutions, il faut dire également qu’il est depuis 13 ans, professeur étranger invité en technologies de l’information et de la communication dans plusieurs universités Signe que son savoir-faire et ses compétences sont recherchées à travers le monde. D’ailleurs, il a été pendant deux ans Guest Lecturer of Telemedicine & E-Health, Global Health Catalyst Initiative à la Harvard Medical School Global Health Catalyst. Sa passion pour le développement des TIC et du secteur éducatif en Afrique va l’amener à créer en 2010 The ICT University ainsi que l’International Center for Information Technology and Development.
Aujourd’hui âgé de 41 ans seulement, son travail ne fait que se poursuivre et son nom, il ne cesse de le hisser au top du livre d’or des belles success story de la diaspora africaine. Victor Mbarika est un bâtisseur qui croit à la transformation du monde par l’éducation et la formation. Il a fait de l’engagement auprès des nécessiteux un véritable sacerdoce.
Cameroun : le président Olusegun Obasanjo invite les diplômés de ICT University à créer les entreprises
Invité spécial à la 6è cérémonie officielle de remise de diplômes aux étudiants de ICT University au palais des congrès le 31 juillet 2021, L’ancien chef d’Etat a saisi cette opportunité pour s’adresser aux récipiendaires. Celui qui fut président du Nigeria de 1976 à 1979, puis de 1999 à 2007 avant de devenir aujourd’hui l’un des éleveurs de volaille les plus puissants d’Afrique est une source d’inspiration pour les jeunes africains qui veulent se lancer dans l’entrepreneuriat.
Junior Inoussa Ndam Njoya fait partie des heureux lauréats de ICT University. L’heureux récipiendaire de ce 31 juillet 2021 qui a réussi à se classer parmi les meilleurs étudiants de sa promotion dans la filière Licence en comptabilité se dit gonflé à bloc par les sages conseils que vient de lui prodiguer l’ancien président nigérian Olusegun Obasanjo. L’hôte de marque de la 6è cérémonie officielle de remise de diplômes aux étudiants de ICT University –présidée par le ministre de l’enseignement supérieur- a saisi cette opportunité pour s’adresser aux récipiendaires, et en même temps à la jeunesse africaine en général, dans un discours qu’il a intitulé « les cinq processeurs pour le succès cachés au-delà des connaissances et des compétences en matière de TIC ». « Il a parlé de la capacité à saisir l’opportunité, se vêtir de l’humilité, de pouvoir s’équiper avec des outils des technologies, du travail en équipe et de la prière. Il a décrit ces 5 points comme des engins pour le succès. Qu’il aimerait revenir dans les années et nous voir comme des créateurs des petites, moyennes et grandes entreprises », retient Junior Ndam Njoya, très ému de recevoir les sages conseils de celui que l’on appelle affectueusement Baba.
« Mes chers étudiants diplômés, les opportunités frappent à la porte. Vous n’aurez peut-être jamais de seconde chance si vous laissez passer une occasion sans la saisir. Dans votre quête de réussite dans la vie, je vous encourage à évaluer en profondeur les opportunités qui vous entourent et à en profiter pleinement. Lorsque vous échouez, essayez, essayez et essayez encore. Si vous lisez, regardez la télévision, écoutez la radio et si vous vous promenez dans votre ville ou dans votre village, vous serez étonnés par les opportunités qui se présentent à vous en tant que diplômés en TIC », conseillait alors Olusegun Obassanjo dans ses cinq points pour le succès. L’ancien président qui est devenu l’un des éleveurs de volaille les plus puissants d’Afrique est une source d’inspiration pour les jeunes africains qui veulent se lancer dans l’entrepreneuriat.
Un discours qui ne semble pas être tombé dans des oreilles de sourds. Ils étaient environ 300 jeunes, ressortissants de plusieurs pays à recevoir leurs parchemins de fin de formation chez ICT University ce jour. Après la formation, ils sont appelés à se lancer sur le marché de l’emploi ou créer des emplois à travers leurs entreprises. C’est le cas de Junior Ndam Njoya qui projette de travailler pendant 5 ans avant de créer un cabinet de conseil pour employer les autres.
Créée en 2010, ICT University est une institution universitaire basée aux Etats-Unis et offre un programme éducatif américain pour les pays en développement. Le siège de ses campus africains est basé au Cameroun et fondé par le Pr Victor Mbarika. Après avoir fait l’honneur de sa présence à cette 6è cérémonie de remise de diplômes, le président Olusegun Obasanjo a inauguré le nouveau bâtiment de l’université et a promis de s’y rendre au moins deux fois par an pour dispenser des enseignements.
Mbarika receives recognition from Association of Information Systems
The Association of Information Systems (AIS), a professional association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice and study of information systems worldwide, recently recognized the College of Business’ Professor Victor Mbarika for his commitment to the association. Doing so, the AIS named Mbarika as an AIS Distinguished Member Cum Laude.
Specifically, Mbarika, the Stallings Distinguished International Scholar in the College’s Department of Management Information Systems, was honored for being a continuous AIS member for at least 10 years and playing a leadership role in AIS or related AIS activity. The designation also celebrates Mbarika for having been published in at least four AIS or AIS-affiliated journals (out of his over 250 peer-reviewed publications).
“This distinction is an honor and a blessing for me,” says Mbarika. “It means a lot, and I take it is a gift from God for more than two decades of teaching, research and service. I am very thankful to my entire family, colleagues, mentors, mentees, friends, and students.”
With this award and other lifetime achievement awards under his belt, Mbarika is not taking any of the accolades for granted.
“You can’t rest on your laurels because you must push for more,” said Mbarika. “I am in my 40s and still have a lot of work to do in terms of mentoring young minds, giving back to the community, especially in eastern North Carolina and developing countries.”
Mbarika says his AIS affiliation influences some of what he brings to the classroom.
“One of the beauties as a member of the AIS is that we are provided access to great teaching materials,” says Mbarika. “This AIS distinction goes a long way in improving student learning outcomes and achievement. In sum, my students can learn in a dynamic and engaging environment that relates to the real world. I have carefully cultivated this type of classroom with business examples, case studies, and practical hands-on research experiences to complement theory. I assess student learning through multiple methods and staying current in the field through vigorous research.
Mbarika added, “I have taught and mentored thousands of students at the BS, MS and Ph.D. level, and I hope to continue to inspire my great students at ECU, as I was once inspired by the information systems professors who managed to capture even the jaded student in the back row. I believe the classroom should be fun, interactive, applicable to real life, challenging and engaging so students can actively participate in their learning and improve their higher-order cognitive and decision-making skills. In less than a year at ECU, students have asked me to mentor them. In fact, some of the students are minority students. It is my goal to continue investing in the students for the long-term.”
Along with AIS’ resources, Mbarika also says his teaching is both influenced by and influences my research. He says, “I strive to demonstrate to students that technology impacts education and business and how people live their lives. Thus, my research on globalization in information technology plays a part in my course content.”
6th edition of the graduation ceremony at ICT University graduation
Ministere de l’Enseignement Supérieur,Cap sur le Numérique Universitaire
Cérémonie de signature de l’Accord de partenariat entre le Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et ICT University, relatif aux bourses académiques partielles octroyées par ICT University
2021 ICT University Graduates Enjoined to be Humble, Creative, Committed
Over 300 graduates from The ICT University have been called upon to take advantage of opportunities at their disposal by being humble, creative, committed, prayerful, and be ready to work as a team.
The call was echoed by former Nigeria’s Political and Military Leader, Chief Olusegun Mathew Okikiola Aremu Obasanjo, GCFR, during the 2021 graduation ceremony and 6th Commencement ceremony that took place Saturday, July 31, 2021, at the Yaounde Conference Centre.
“…You must be mentally and psychologically prepared and must see opportunities for learning in other situations. Also your ability to scan the environment should be sharp enough to detect opportunities. You must be able to smell opportunities like a dog with an acute sense of smell…”
President Obasanjo told the students.
During his keynote address titled “The Hidden Processor for Success Beyond ICT Knowledge and Skills” President Olusegun Obasanjo, told the graduating students that humility is the ability of not thinking that they are the best, that it is lack of arrogance but to have an accurate view of themselves.
The Nigerian former leader was described during the occasion as a Global Advocate for Education, by Cameroon’s Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo, who thanked him on behalf of President Paul Biya, for siding with the promoter of The ICT University to invest in Cameroon.
The Minister of State who represented Paul Biya, at the graduation ceremony was not indifferent with the students. To him, they are now ambassadors of the Cameroonian Higher Education System and Ambassadors of the ICT University in Africa and in the world.
“…as you take the journey into the job market and professional world, you should make your presence felt and make your teachers proud. You are all qualified to transform your respective countries and the world at large” He noted.
Out of the over 300 graduating students, 13 of them are PhD and they are from multiple countries based in Africa, Europe, Americas and Asia. It was their day and they did not hide their feelings.
“Being part of the ICT University was an enriching experience for me. It challenged me to work hard and leave my comfort zone. Through their competence base learning approach, I have been able to develop many tech-related skills, interact with peers and build a new perspective of self. Their technological standards have given me a new impetus and made me outstanding as I handle daily challenges. I say a big thank you for moulding a better me each day” Diangha Unity Nidum, BSc, BMS Department student told News Upfront.
For three years and more depending on the courses, training at The ICT University was up to standards to the satisfaction of all the graduates.
“The most remarkable experience I have had with The ICT University is research. It has been great to be in a University with a huge space for academic research on contemporary business and environmental issues. This excellent research background has built a good foundation for future development in my academic and professional journey” says Maimo Jovanny, IMBA, BMS Department.
Just like the former Nigerian President, Olusegun Obasanjo, said, prayer has a place at the University institute as Chebonkeng Kingsley, BSC, ICT Department student told News Upfront.
“The ICT University is not just a University, but an educational cradle rooted in profound christian principles and values. This University has shown me how to approach daily situations with an open mindedness, and to anchor on the principles of the scriptures through their Cameroon Youth for Jesus (CYJ) Program.”
At the graduation ceremony, the promoter of The ICT University Prof. Victor Mbarika was praised for his investments in education and students.
“You are investing in the graduating students and all the other students that are in this institution. You are investing in their development, you are investing in their today for their family, you are investing in the today of this country and it’s progress and development.” President Olusegun Obasanjo told him.
“You choice to invest in Digital Education is now justified given that Covid-19 has shown some limits with the classical learning process.” Minister of State, Prof Jacques Fame Ndongo, told Prof Mbarika, during the ceremony.
The promoter of the Institution was overwhelmed with the praises and promised never to relent his efforts in that light.
Former Nigerian president H.E Olusegun Obasanjo who served two terms as president from 1976 to 79 and again from 1999 to 2007 has encouraged youths to be actively involved in leadership today and not go by the popular saying that “they are the leaders of tomorrow.”
President Olusegun Obasanjo was speaking to Cameroon calling over the national broadcaster to CRTV as he continues his private stay in the county that first saw him as guest speaker for the 6th graduation ceremony of the ICT University last Saturday, July 30.
President Obasanjo went on to recount his stay in Cameroon during the British/French rule and also why peace is very important. Upon his military training out of the country, the former Nigeria President had his first operation in Bamenda, Cameroon. Since then, he has been in and out of Cameroon on several occasions.
“I remember we came through Mamfe and to go up Bamenda you can only go on Monday and come down on Tuesday… The road was narrow then and it is a different case today. Again, there was a tea plantation there and the pace of life was gentle,” Dr Olusegun Obasanjo said when responding to the question of how life was when he first came to Bamenda.
“I was at the border one morning with my troops and some people were passing from the British side to go to the French side of Cameroon and we said they could not go. They asked why can’t go and we said it was the border but they said it is not a border to them because the next village is part of their village.”
“That was my first practical experience of the artificiality of our borders; they do not mean anything to the local people.”
According to the former president, part of the problem with Africa when it comes to conflict or crisis is mismanagement or poor management of diversity. Diversity to him is nature and nature is diversity. “Why should we not understand that diversity is natural and should be managed and treated for what it is,”? He asked.
“I have said when people get frustrated for one thing or the other it could be real or perceived injustice, perception must not be treated with levity because to some people perception is taken as reality. When people feel frustrated either by real or perceived injustice do not just leave it unattended to; do something about it.”
“We did not do that to win a Nobel Peace Prize. We did it because it was necessary for us and our people. If any people see what I have done to influence humanity for good as something that can be rewarded, all well and good but that should not be the purpose for me to do good for my peace,” the former President said as he responded to a question on why he, Koffi Annan and H.E Paul Biya have not been awarded the Noble Peace Prize in recognition for their efforts on bringing the Bakassi Peninsular crisis to an end.
Dr Obasanjo is an ardent lover of agriculture, something many do not see a need to invest in. He jokingly says you can take him out of the village but you cannot take the village out of him. “I feel comfortable, I feel natural and belonging to where I come from when I am in the village. If we are going to get it right in Africa we have to go there (in the village and the soil).”
He added: “Education has always been my passion… What is your life worth if you cannot impact other people for good or in their own life; that is what I do. Even when I was president, I did morning devotion every day and I teach Sunday school in my church.”
The former president then went on to encourage the young people not to take the usual advice that they are the leaders of tomorrow because to him “if you wait for tomorrow, you will not have it because those who are there today are going to make sure that they destroy the tomorrow before you get there.”
Leadership is today; you be part of it today and do not let anybody destroy your tomorrow. I became head of state at 39 at 42 I had finished my term and then went on to become of a farmer…”
Association for Information Systems: Prof Victor Mbarika named first ever African distinguished member
Cameroonian-born United States-based Professor Victor Mbarika has been designated the first African distinguished member cum laude of the Association for Information Systems, AIS. The erudite Professor was named recently alongside scores of other distinguished Professors across the world. In a brief statement posted on his social media handles Monday, Professor Victor Mbarika wrote “I am happy to be the first African Professor to receive this recognition in the history of the association for information systems worldwide”. The Association for Information Systems, AIS Distinguished Member program recognizes members who have made a significant impact on the association. Qualifications for the designation include a minimum of five years of continuous AIS membership, service in a significant role in AIS or AIS-related activity, and at least one publication in an AIS or AIS-affiliated journal. The Distinguished Member – Cum Laude designation is for those who exceed the requirement by holding continuous AIS membership for at least 10 years, serving in a leadership role in AIS or AIS-related activity, and have been published in at least four publications in an AIS or AIS-affiliated journal. Meanwhile the Association for Information Systems, AIS, it should be said to serve society through the advancement of knowledge and the promotion of excellence in the practice and study of information systems. AIS is the premier professional association for individuals and organizations who lead the research, teaching, practice, and study of information systems worldwide. For his part, Prof Victor Mbarika is a Stallings Distinguished International Scholar and an MIS professor at East Carolina University, ECU within the University of North Carolina System, in Greenville, North Carolina, USA.
Prof Mbarika is Founder and President, Board of Trustees, of The Information and Communication Technology University, ICT University, with multiple campuses based in developing countries. He is a philanthropist and has funded multiple ICT projects and scholarships worldwide. He is the founder of the ECU International Center for Information Technology and Development. Prof Mbarika serves as Visiting Professor at several Universities worldwide and is currently Visiting Leo Endowed Professor and Visiting Legacy Endowed Chair at Legacy University. He is an ICT consultant and holds a BSc in MIS from the US International University, MSc in MIS from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Ph.D. in MIS from Auburn University, USA. He completed his BSc, MSc, and Ph.D., all in five years. Prof Mbarika is the recipient of three Lifetime Achievement Awards in higher education. He has authored over 250 academic publications in the form of books, peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, and book chapters. Every year, he serves as Keynote Speaker at multiple conferences worldwide, including speeches at the United Nations—ITU, Harvard University Conferences, African Union, amongst others. Much of his research is on technology transfer in resource-poor settings. He was cited as being “at the forefront of academic research into ICT implementation in Africa, and has provided a theoretically-informed framework for understanding ICTs in less developed countries… ” His scholarly publications have appeared in several of the “Basket of Top Eight” Information Systems journals. He has received multiple grants (over $4 million) from the National Science Foundation, NASA, KPMG, Microsoft, African Development Bank, and other donors. Born in Cameroon, but now a US citizen, INSPIRE Magazine named Prof Mbarika as one of the top 10 personalities in the diaspora influencing Cameroon and one of the top 100 overall. Prof Mbarika has received the prestigious US State Department Fulbright grant five times to bring in scholars from developing nations to serve at his research center, ICITD. He is Founding Editor-in-Chief of The African Journal of Information Systems and a senior board member for several academic journals internationally. Prof Mbarika is a Lifetime Member of Beta Gama Sigma International Honor Society. He is a member of the Association of Information Systems, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, The Association for Computing Machinery. He holds over 30 academic excellence awards and has been featured on the cover page of several newspapers and magazines highlighting his research and consulting activities.